Welcome to Valley Elementary

Welcome to the Valley Elementary, an amazing PrePrimary to Grade 4 School!

Our goal is to have respectful, responsible citizens who can be creative, independent and kind. We will provide a safe, supportive and challenging learning environment.

We encourage parents and guardians volunteer if they are able. We know that families are busy, so we encourage communication as much as possible to strengthen support for each student.

We look forward to a fabulous year of learning together!

Recent News

Feb 2025 1
feb 2025 2

Optional French

Jan 2025

January 2025 page 2


Treat yourself and your students to some new VES branded clothing by visiting our E-Store today!
All items will be ordered online this year. As items are ordered, they will be processed and delivered to the school for pick up (Wednesdays as items become available). Order now for easy holiday shopping!

November 2024



Here is some great information about fostering student attendance and recommendations regarding student sick days.  Check them out!



Too Sick

Pumpkin Sale

September 2024 1

sept 2024 2

Sept 2024 3

June 20241


May 20241
May 20242

May 2024 Menu

April 2024 1

April 2024 2

easter egg hunt

Our March 2024 Newsletter is here just in time for Spring!

March 1
March 2

Our February 2024 Newsletter

feb 2024 1
feb 20242

Our February 2024 Menu!  

February 2024 Menu

Casual / Assistant Cooks Needed
The Cobequid Schools Catering Society is hiring Casual and/or Assistant Cooks! If you, or someone you know, are interested in this position, please send a resume to Heather Putnam at [email protected] or phone 902-890=2234 for more information.
Job Posting: Casual Cook and/or Assistant Cook
Hours: 4-5 hours per day DEPENDING ON SCHOOL
Duties: Looking for someone for casual work and to fill in when needed. This position can work into full time work and may be at various schools. Responsible for food preparation for lunches and recess snacks . Duties would include dish washing, general clean up from the noon hour, and assisting head cook.
Requirements: Able to communicate effectively, efficient with the collection and tracking of money, good organizational skills, ability to work independently and a sense of creativity while providing nutritional meals and snacks. Reliable and dependable. Enjoy children and like working with them.
Current Certifications:
Food Handlers course
CPR/First Aid
Clear Child Abuse Registry and Criminal Record Checks



Our January Newsletter is hot off the presses!  Check it out here!

January 1

january 2

The Early Stages Program at Stagecoach Truro is open to students 4-6 years old.  Check out the poster below for more information!


Our January Cafeteria menu is here!

january menu

Our Home and School Committee is hosting an online auction from Saturday, December 9th until Saturday, December 16th.  Please visit the following link to bid on some great holiday gifts!




Our December Update! Lots of fun events planned before our holidays!

Please note that our last popcorn days of 2023 will be November 29th and December 13th.

We are looking for a popcorn volunteer to join us every second Wednesday from 8am-10am. Please contact Mrs. Bates if you are interested!


Dec 20232


Our December 2023 Lunch Menu.
Please note:
  • The only option available in the Cafeteria on December 19th is our complimentary Holiday Lunch. Students not wishing to partake in this event will need to bring their own, packed lunch.
  • There will only be ONE option in the Cafeteria from December 18th-20th. Valley Plates, Sandwiches and other snacks will not be available that week.
  • In the event of closure for inclement weather on December 19th, our Holiday lunch will be served on December 20th.

December Menu


Our Home & School Committee is hosting the second annual
Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 16th.

Get your tickets online, or by visiting the school office.
VES Families can purchase tickets at: https://tinyurl.com/sztj2h8k
Members of the public can purchase tickets for:
The 9am sitting athttps://tinyurl.com/4tjanw7z
The 10am sitting at: https://tinyurl.com/23srcndy





It's VES School Clothing time again! Orders can be placed online using our school's cash platform: https://ccrce.schoolcashonline.com/ or sent to the office with a completed order form. Please have your orders in for November 6th.


Order Form 2

Order Form 2

Apparel Colors

Congratulations to Jayla and Dylan winners of our Grade 3 Run Club final race! A big high five to all of our Grade 3 Run Club participants for their hard work and commitment!

Jayla and Dylan

October News 1

October News 2

October News 3

An awesome in school mentoring opportunity for our students.  If you are interested, please reach out to Kara at 902-957-6154.



Congratulations to our Grade 4 Run Club winners Nora and Parker.  A big high five to all of our Grade 4 runners for their hard work and commitment!


Valley Elementary Grade 3 Run Club

Mrs. Marquis is pleased to offer Grade e Run Club beginning Tuesday, October 3rd.  There will be 3 practice days – October 3rd, 4th and 10th with race day on October 11th.

Run club will begin after school and finish at 3:00 pm each day.  Please be prompt when coming it pick up your student.

Families are encouraged to come cheer on their runner on October 11th.

If your child would like to participate, please sign the that was sent home (purple) and return it to their classroom teacher.


An optional survey for familiesForbow


An update on re-take photos from Pridham's Studio. Unfortunately, Pridham's is no longer able to join us for retakes on September 29th. If you would like your student re-photographed by Pridham's please call the studio at 902-895-1694 to book an appointment.



Welcome Back Students & VES Families!

We hope that you will join us THIS Thursday Sept 21st @ 7:30pm for a outdoor showing of SUPER MARIO BROS.  

* Monetary donations will be accepted at the door. 

* Students MUST have a parent chaperone with them for the entire event.

* Please dress for the weather. Bring your own chairs, blankets and snacks/drinks (nut free)

* If parking at the church, it has been requested that we DO NOT park on the grass. It is causing damage. Please and Thank you!

*Washrooms will be available inside the back door of the school and down the stairs.

We hope to see you there 

Picture retake

Please contact the office at [email protected] if your student requires school photo retakes. 

Portraits by Johanna will be at the school on Wednesday, September 27th.

Pridham's Studio will be at the school on Friday, September 29th.

lost and found

Virtual Lost and Found 

Please find a link to our 2023-2024 Virtual Lost and Found below.  If any of these items belong to your student, send an email to [email protected] and we will do our best to send them home!


Congratulations to Abel and Jack, our Terry Fox Run Perserverance Draw winners. At the time of this post, Valley Elementary School Students have raised a total of $483.25 for the Terry Fox Foundation! Thank you for your support!

Terry Fox

Valley Elementary Grade 4 Run Club

Mrs. Marquis is pleased to offer Grade 4 Run Club beginning Tuesday, September 19th.  There will be 3 practice days – September 19th, 20th and 26th with race day on September 27th.

Run club will begin after school and finish at 3:15pm each day.  Please be prompt when coming it pick up your student.

Families are encouraged to come cheer on their runner on September 27th.

If your child would like to participate, please sign the that was sent home (pink) and return it to their classroom teacher.


Valley Elementary students in Grade 3 and above are welcome to come try out an instrument with the Ron MacKay Memorial Youth Band!  Practices will be at Valley Elementary on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6:30pm-7:30pm.

Band Directors

test drive

Terry Fox Run

Valley Elementary will host our Terry Fox Run Event on Friday, September 15th. 
Students are invited to wear red to commemorate Terry's historic marathon across Canada. 
Donations are optional and appreciated.  They can be forwarded to the office in a labeled baggie, or submitted online using our School's Cash platform.

All proceeds will go directly to the Terry Fox Foundation.

Cowichan Valley School District - Welcome back to school everyone! We're  thrilled to see all the students and staff coming into our schools today.  From the smallest Kindergarten students to those on

Join us for our 2023-2024
Meet the Teacher Event 
Tuesday, September 5th  6:00pm-7:00pm

We look forward to welcoming everyone on New School Year's Eve!
Class lists will be posted in the gym, students can then visit their classrooms to drop off school supplies and indoor sneakers.

Teachers will be on hand to answer questions and help with the "first day jitters."

September Newsletter Page 1September Newsletter Page 2September Newsletter Page 3

July 2023 Newsletter

Please be advised that the option to purchase your student's school supplies for September 2023 is now available online using our School's Cash platform: https://ccrce.schoolcashonline.com/. Student Supplies for September 2023 will cost each student $30. We ask that all families planning to order school supplies from Valley Elementary use this online platform to purchase supplies no later than June 23rd so that we have an accurate count of supplies needed.
If you choose not to purchase supplies through the school by June 23rdStudent Supply Lists will be provided to students / emailed out on Report Card Day - June 30th.
Please note that the United Way of Colchester offers support to families for student supplies. Please check this link https://www.unitedwaycolchester.ca/back-to-school-2/ for updates on this program.


school supplies

June 2023 1

June 2023 2



cool kids


Lots of upcoming community events!

Fun in the Sun Daycamps


Bike Rodeo

Chicken Barbeque



May 2023

May 2023

CEC Fundraiser

CC Riders

Light Up Blue

Valley Elementary Students are invited to observe Autism Awareness Day on Monday, April 3rd.  Blue shirts or other blue attire will help us celebrate the gifts of those living with Autism.

Hop on over and check out our April 2023 Newsletter!

April Newsletter Page 1April 2023 Page 2

World Down Syndrome Day

Help us celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st by wearing your mismatched and colorful socks!


2023 VES Clothing Orders

School Clothing is now available to be ordered online or manually.  Please visit https://ccrce.schoolcashonline.com/or complete the paper form sent home on Wednesday, February 22nd.   Paper orders can be paid via cash or cheque - written to Valley Elementary School.  Orders must be received by Thursday, March 9th at 1pm.


Pink Shirt Day | Fernie.comBezanson School

Wednesday, February 22nd is Pink Shirt Day in support of Anti-Bullying initiatives across Canada.  One such initiative, the CKNW Kids Fund is inspired by this story;

“David Shepherd, Travis Price and their teenage friends organized a high-school protest to wear pink in sympathy with a Grade 9 boy who was being bullied [for wearing a pink shirt]…[They] took a stand against bullying when they protested against the harassment of a new Grade 9 student by distributing pink T-shirts to all the boys in their school. ‘I learned that two people can come up with an idea, run with it, and it can do wonders,’ says Mr. Price, 17, who organized the pink protest. ‘Finally, someone stood up for a weaker kid.’ So Mr. Shepherd and some other headed off to a discount store and bought 50 pink tank tops. They sent out message to schoolmates that night, and the next morning they hauled the shirts to school in a plastic bag. As they stood in the foyer handing out the shirts, the bullied boy walked in. His face spoke volumes. ‘It looked like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders,’ Mr. Price recalled. The bullies were never heard from again.”

The CCRCE supports the CKNW's initiative to promote kindness in our schools.

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